The Book of Where

I have some exciting news to share — my co-author, Tony Schwartz and I, just signed a contract to write what surely will become a best seller: The Book of Where.

The book is a culmination of years of research into a revolutionary new science that is concerned with figuring out, you know, where things are.

For generations geographers, cartographers, topographers, sailors, and other location scientists have been trying in vain to pin down the idea of location and missing it by a mile. Sure they have their Mercator projections, triangulations, GPS, and other round-about contraptions, but what they don’t have is a language of location that is capable of precisely identifying this elusive entity. Until now.

We have come up with an operator that makes it possible, finally, to uncover, you know, where shit is. Yes, you guessed it, it is the find() operator and the corresponding find-calculus.

And it’s not all theory! If you order the book, you will be able to answer such age-old questions as:

  • Where the f*ck are my keys?
  • Where is the Bermuda triangle and how to get there?
  • What is a map anyway?

Tony and I are thrilled to get this in front of popular audiences and we are looking forward to a productive public discussion about this important topic.

Now, go out there and find something!